All registered Health Play Specialists are required to maintain an ongoing record of their continuing professional development (CPD) as a condition of registration. The CPD Profile is an important aspect of professional registration with SoHPS because:

  • It represents an ongoing record of your continuing professional development (CPD).
  • It presents an opportunity to improve your practice, based on the feedback you receive in the course of your work.
  • It is a space for you to reflect on your own learning and development and its impact on your HPS practice and the people you work with.
  • It is a way of sharing evidence of your CPD with your line manager and of planning for your future learning and development needs.


The CPD Profile Form is a live e-document linked to each registrant’s User Page of the SoHPS website. It should be updated at regular intervals throughout the year and reviewed by the line manager annually. All registrants must submit their Profile Form for audit every 3 years: this is a condition of re-registration with SoHPS. The audit date appears on the registrant’s User Page, and an email reminder is sent at the start of the audit year.

Lapsed registrants and those returning to practice after a career break are also required to submit a CPD Profile as part of a Late Re-registration application.

Registrants who need to receive or submit information in an alternative format (e.g., large print, Braille, audio) should make this known to the registration coordinator. On receipt of appropriate evidence, the Registration Standards Committee will consider making reasonable adjustments to support the Profile submission.

The CPD Profile