Every Registered Health Play Specialist is required to undertake a process of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and to maintain an ongoing record of their CPD activity. Continued professional development (CPD) refers to any process or activity, planned or otherwise, that contributes to an increase in, or the maintenance of, knowledge, skills and personal qualities related to the HPS role.

When due for audit, the HPS is required to submit a CPD Profile which demonstrates that they have undertaken at least 12 hours of CPD relevant to their scope of practice, during each of the three years prior to the audit date. They do not need to present evidence of every activity they have undertaken but should select those examples which have had the biggest impact on their HPS practice.

The CPD Profile must include evidence of at least 8 hours of participatory learning AND at least 4 hours of non-participatory learning for each year. Participatory CPD activities are those the registrant has actively engaged in with other professionals. Non-participatory activities are those the registrant has undertaken on their own.

The following list offers suggestions of the kinds of activity which might constitute Continuing Professional Development (CPD). It is not exhaustive, and it is intended that each individual HPS will make a professional judgement as to the type and frequency of activity that allows them to meet SOHPS’s criteria for re-registration which are identified on page 7 of the CPD Profile Guidelines

Work-based learning
  • Professional practice (new or challenging experiences rather than aspects of the core role.)
  • Clinical audit of play practice
  • Peer discussions (e.g., play team/MDT discussions/consultations/meetings*)
  • Engagement with NHS/employer initiatives (e.g., skill-sharing/peer training)
  • Additional skills training
  • Peer/student supervision or mentorship*
  • Professional visits and feedback thereof
  • Role expansion
  • Clinical supervision/Schwartz Rounds*
  • Participation in a debriefing session after a significant incident
  • Project work or management (e.g., setting-up a new provision)
  • Mandatory training relevant to your scope of practice

*N.B. Only one session/meeting can be logged for each year of the CPD Profile, and the focus should be on the opportunity it presents for new learning.

Professional Activity
  • Involvement in a professional body or charity
  • Participation in professional consultations
  • Lecturing or teaching*
  • Mentoring
    **Mentoring a student or apprentice on the FdA in Health Play Specialism counts towards 50% of the required CPD hours in each year of the student placement**
  • Involvement in SOHPS Board/Branch Meetings
  • Conference presentations
  • Writing for publication (journals, books, newsletters)
  • Participation in research projects
Formal/Educational Activities
  • Training courses
  • Further Education
  • Attendance at conferences or seminars
  • Remote learning/research (webinars, podcasts etc.)
  • Engagement with social media
Self-directed Learning
  • Reading journal articles/relevant literature
  • Reviewing books or articles
  • Updating knowledge through the media
  • Public service
  • Charitable or Voluntary work
  • Self-development activity (e.g., assertiveness training, stress management, public speaking, mindfulness)

*N.B. Only one teaching session can be logged for each year of the CPD Profile, and the focus should be on the opportunity it presents for new learning.

CPD Activity Examples